The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer showed that one of the drivers of the collapse in trust across all four key institutions — business, government, NGOs, and media — is an underlying “mass-class” conflict. Majority of people around the world believe that the system is biased against average people and favors the rich and powerful, which has perilous implications for continued trust in business and, in particular, in family-run businesses.
Family business is trusted more than non-family business by a 16-point margin globally, but in reality, non-family business ranks higher on many of the attributes we have come to associate with family businesses, such as long-term orientation and financial success.
In addition to exploring drivers of family business trust, this year’s Special Report examines expectations around philanthropy and wealth; societal engagement and next generation preparedness.
Learn more about the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Family Business findings below.